
All the details regarding accreditation can be found on the FUSIC learning site



Are there still absolute numbers of scans?

Yes. These vary depending on the module.

Is there a standard set of formats for a PoCUS logbook?

Yes. There are different logbooks depending on the module. It’s highly advisable to become familiar with the specific logbook before starting to collect scans.

I am an ACP/PA/CESR/non-trainee grade Doctor. Can I achieve PoCUS competency?

Yes. Contact the Intensive Care Society directly for guidance.

Do I still write a formal report for each scan if I have not yet achieved independent practice?

No. While in training you are not expected to complete a formal report in the patient’s notes. However, you must fill a training reporting forms for each in order to complete your logbook. These vary between module, so it’s highly advisable to become familiar with the specific logbook before starting to collect scans.

Do I still need to attend a mandatory PoCUS course?

You can either attend a course or the ICS online learning modules.
